Make Life Less Complicated


Learn more about the man behind Make Life Less Complicated and how he combines many years of practical experience with his empathy for each course participant.

Need help organising your workday?

We can help you take that first, important step towards freeing up time and gaining a better overview.


    Learn more about the man behind Make Life Less Complicated and how he combines many years of practical experience with his empathy for each course participant.

    Need help organising your workday?

    We can help you take that first, important step towards freeing up time and gaining a better overview.

      About David

      David Munk Møller has made personal planning and efficiency his business for more than ten years, working with a wide range of companies and institutions. In Denmark and abroad.

      David’s clients include some of Denmark’s biggest companies and institutions as well as medium-sized and small businesses.

      His experience is therefore broadly based, yet he always takes a very humble approach when teaching new habits. ‘One of the most important things I’ve learnt from my course participants is that I can always learn something new. Naturally, I have a deep respect for this, so I always spend a lot of time listening. This is the best possible starting point for addressing my participants’ daily lives and challenges.’

      David is driven by a great desire to help others and to make a positive difference in their daily lives. At the same time, he fully understands that we all have different jobs, customers, stakeholders and, not least, personalities.

      For this reason, David always takes a pragmatic approach to ensuring “more time and a better overview”. The most important thing is that it works in our busy daily lives.

      He is described as a proficient, empathetic and committed instructor, with high professional standards and a notably constructive style.

      David is decidedly practical in the way he teaches and always ensures fast implementation of all theory. This does not imply lack of respect for the individual but is based purely on what works.

      David has been married for 22 years. He and his wife have two teenagers who still live at home, and, as he says, all three certainly keep him on his toes.

      fra mine kunder

      Anmeldelser fra mine kunder

      Anmeldelser fra
      mine kunder

      "Det har været en life changer. Jeg når SÅ meget mere."
      Rikke Haugen Olsen, Ultragas ApS
      "Det frigiver enormt meget energi. Jeg synes, at alle skulle lære det."
      Tina Skou Hansen, Teamchef, Deas
      "Jeg er så super glad for dette kursus. Det har givet mig utroligt meget. TAK!"
      Camilla Kamp Mortensen, Niras
      "Cheftræningsforløbet har givet et samlet overblik, der er let at vedligeholde. David har været særligt god til at gå ind i mine konkrete udfordringer, og hjælpe mig specifikt dér, hvor jeg havde behov. Og så er forandringen faktisk varig."
      Ingrid Reumert, Velux
      Det er en udsøgt fornøjelse at arbejde med min task-liste og min clean inbox. Det har gjort en kæmpestor forskel i mit arbejdsoverblik. Tak for det!
      Christine Carstensen, Ultranav Business Support
      "Det har været en life changer. Jeg når SÅ meget mere."
      Rikke Haugen Olsen, Ultragas ApS
      "Det frigiver enormt meget energi. Jeg synes, at alle skulle lære det."
      Tina Skou Hansen, Teamchef, Deas
      "Jeg er så super glad for dette kursus. Det har givet mig utroligt meget. TAK!"
      Camilla Kamp Mortensen, Niras
      "Cheftræningsforløbet har givet et samlet overblik, der er let at vedligeholde. David har været særligt god til at gå ind i mine konkrete udfordringer, og hjælpe mig specifikt dér, hvor jeg havde behov. Og så er forandringen faktisk varig."
      Ingrid Reumert, Velux
      Det er en udsøgt fornøjelse at arbejde med min task-liste og min clean inbox. Det har gjort en kæmpestor forskel i mit arbejdsoverblik. Tak for det!
      Christine Melbye Carstensen, Ultranav Business Support

      Skal vi få styr på din arbejdsdag?

      Du kan nu tage det første og vigtige skridt mod mere tid og bedre overblik.